September 19, 2008

Boys giving out their numbers/waiting for girls to call.

Let's say you are a single girl. You go to a bar/club/coffee shop/restaurant/ etc. You meet a single guy who seems normal/heterosexual/interesting/attractive/ etc. You have a lovely conversation with the aforementioned guy and at the end of the night you exchange numbers. Now, considering that you are a girl you might go home a give him a few days to call you. At the end of 2 or 3 days you may begin to wonder why he has not called. Maybe you call him and maybe you don't. Chances are if you call him, you will find out that he was waiting for YOU to call.

I think women should ask men out and call men on their own terms. I also think men should appreciate when a woman makes an effort to show a man she finds him attractive. With that being said, it seems that boys have given up the man's role altogether. They WILL NOT call a girl first and wait for the girl to make the first move. It's like boys have been watching movies from the 50's and taking their modern dating cues from demure girls. Apparently boys think it is attaractive to let the girls do all the work. When did it become standard practice for boys to wait for girls to make their intentions known in the world of dating? I'll tell you when: when boys became the new girls.

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