December 12, 2009

Boys and Hello Kitty

I found an article the other day that discussed the existance of a Hello Kitty airplane (which is awesome) and sent the article to a girlfriend of mine. She, in turn, sent it to her boyfriend who was “creeped out” by it. His comment got me thinking: does it matter what a boy thinks about Hello Kitty since she is so obviously a girl thing? I bet you can guess what the answer to that question is: HELL YES it matters!
I like Hello Kitty. I'm not a fanatic or anything, but I do own a Hello Kitty t-shirt and a sundry of knickknacks that were gifts from loved ones. So being as I’m not a Hello Kitty nut, and I can appreciate the hilarity that is the Hello Kitty Hell blog, why would I care what a boy thinks of said Kitty? The answer is simple: a boy’s feelings about Hello Kitty reflect on his overall view of the world. Allow me to illustrate in broad generalizations (as I am known to do):
1. If you are a boy who likes Hello Kitty: awesome! This means you appreciate frivolity, and girls, and things that exist for the sake of happiness and entertainment.
2. If you are a boy who has no feelings about her: This means you are not interested in girly things because you are too busy watching football and/or scratching your boy parts. I’m fine with this stance on the Kitty. I have complained ad nauseum about boys acting like girls. Not caring about Hello Kitty means you are at least being a boy about it.
3. If you are a boy who does not like/are creeped out by Hello Kitty: This can mean several things:
a. You do not think there should be joy in the world.
b. You have noticed that Hello Kitty makes girls happy and since you have not made any girls happy, you are slightly jealous of her.
c. You hate all things cute. You probably also hate girls, puppies, chocolate, presents, everything listed in the song “My Favorite Things” sung by Julie Andrews.
What's not to like about a Japanese cat whose whole purpose in life is to look cute? Nothing, that’s what. I am suspicious of any boy who spends any time actively disliking or being scared of a super cute girly icon. Being scared of the Kitty may ultimately mean you’re scared of girls. I have no sympathy for boys who are scared of girls. Grow a pair, seriously.

1 comment:

Rob said...

I'm a man who thinks Hello Kitty is cute, and whilst guys don't admit to liking cute things too much, surely I'm not the only one. I must say however that I don't own any Hello Kitty stuff, but may do, if I wasn't too embarrassed to buy it.