October 15, 2008

Boys giving me writers block

I have been a bit of a shut-in the last few weeks, which may explain my lack of material. I'm not yet ready to believe that boys have been taking ques from my blog and acting more like boys. So I'm pretty sure my problem is a bit of writer's block. No girl (or boy who is a girl) is an island, therefore I am reaching out for help. I ask of you, dear reader, have you spotted any boys acting like girls? If so, please leave me comments. I will ponder and write about your suggestions. I hope you have some! If you don't, I guess I'll have to start going out more. Is that really what you want?


Eric Roy said...

guys acting like gurls are always sessioning Menil Park caddy-corner the Cy Twombly. dunno if yr in Houston or not...

Anonymous said...

How about boys shaving their armpits? This is a new and disturbing trend that I vow to never take part in.

Chadwick said...

Uh yeah, the writers block. My bad, girl.