October 05, 2008

Boys gossiping

So I actually witnessed this: a boy went out of his way to eavesdrop on a married couple's argument. I was at a birthday party with lots of married couples in attendance. One of the married couples walked off to the side basically out of earshot of the party population to talk. There was no yelling, but there were slightly exaggerated arm movements. The group I was standing with noticed the move but didn't think much of it until Gossip Boy, out of nowhere, says he going to find out what the drama is. No one suggested he do this. He thought of it all on his own. Gossip Boy is not married, he didn't really know the people who were arguing, he was simply feeling meddlesome. Gossiping has always been thought of as a girl's activity. There is a show called Gossip Girl for god's sake. If boys are sneaking around to find out random gossip, maybe they need their own show titled: Gossip Boys Are The New Girls.

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