There are many a fashion blunder to be made as a man. I have discussed several in previous blog entries. The white fro has not been discussed until now because it is not girly (no self-respecting white girl would have hair dry enough to make into a fro). I witnessed a fro of great magnitude while lunching on Sunday (I also witnessed a girl in expensive high-heeled boots and cropped jeans, but I'll save that for a separate post). I was shocked and horrified for many reasons including: it is not 1973, he was not Art Garfunkel, he had a kid (in hopes that the fro would live on?), there are barber shops in this city, and last but not least he had a girlfriend.
What girl thinks that is attractive? What kind of girl lets her man walk out of the house looking like he has never met a bottle of conditioner? What kind of girl likes a man who spends hours teasing his hair? I don't know any girls who would tolerate this behavior. At the first sign of puffiness there would be hints about the barber shop. The instant there was a pick involved, there would be a serious talk about what a man should and should not do in order to keep getting laid. This girl, the one who accepts and possibly enjoys the white fro, I don't know what to say about her except that she must secretly hate her man or herself.